Design and Art Portfolio

Fairhaven Health - Email form (2011)

Fairhaven Health - Wordpress Design Mock-up (2010)

Personal Project - Duck Pond Kingdom Mock-up (2010)

Personal Project - Halloween Mock-up (2010)

Fairhaven Health - Fertility Fans Site Design Mock-up (2010)

Fairhaven Health - Fertility Fans Banner Mock-up (2010)

Fairhaven Health -  (2010)

Fairhaven Health: Early Pregnancy Tests Facebook Splash page (2010)

Freelance Web Design: (2009)

Untitled - Acrylic, 30"x24" (2009)

Freelance Web Design: (2008)

Disintegration - Acrylic, 30"x20" (2008)

The Boston Globe - Car Banners (2007)

Willamette University Production Office - Lecture Poster (2006)

Willamette University Production Office - Lecture Poster (2006)

 Willamette University Production Office - Lecture Poster (2006)

Please feel free to see more of my designs - and some craft projects - on Awesome Ahoy, the blog.